I had a quick trip to Ballston last week to hit up Smile Direct Club for a refinement on my program. I originally had a 5 month plan, and found that toward the end of my treatment one of my teeth wasn’t tracking like it was suppose too. SDC was amazing, scheduled my new scan with a quickness. I had a 15 minute appointment and 4 days later I was approved for an additional round of treatment. I have one more month to knock this tooth in place and I’ll be set – most likely by my birthday. If you’re considering making the jump to tele-dentistry or orthodontic work I highly recommend them! Also their whitening pens actually work! I’ll be buying another round when my treatment is complete!
Last week was a “work from a coffeeshop to have minimal distractions while I knock out all of the behind the scenes business stuff.” It was successful, I checked off a lot of my list before hopping on the phone with my business coach Kristen Kalp to further strategize for 2019. I’m happy to announce I’ll be adding a few things to my business this year:
Spring + Summer Family Mini Sessions
Print Shop with Travel Film Images
Yoga Teacher “Teaching” Mini Sessions
Saturday I beebopped around DC with Kir of Kir2Ben. She had a list of locations she wanted to hit up to check out the spaces for headshots + portrait sessions. We had so much fun and were ruthless at some spots, like when we popped into Ladurée in Georgetown, asked to sit at a dirty table and took lifestyle film portraits. Yup, that happened. Sometimes our job isn’t nearly as glamorous as it looks online. That Insta vs. Reality would have been hilarious! We ended up at Primrose for champagne + frites and then CoConut Club for a cocktail.
Sunday, I was up early to head back into DC for brunch! I seriously forgot how much I love brunch food! I met Ayla + Cara at Lavagna. I decided to participate in their Spaghetti Carbonara and fried potatoes – I was carb loading for the week. From there I skipped down to my sisters for a family Super Bowl Party! My favorite bites were the crowd favorite buffalo chicken dip, cannoli dip and deep dish pizza!
Nail polish of the week is In The Cable Car Pool Lane, a deep burgundy with purple tones! Even though this week is warm, I’m still in the mood for rich tones. Peep the insta-stories to see it!
This week I celebrated Mosby’s 3rd birthday! I shared a little on IG yesterday of his story and how I got him. What I haven’t shared was the back + forth internal conversation I had on keeping him.
You see, I had taken care of him for almost a year on my own. Originally, when he came into my life he was tagged as my ex’s dog. I was there to help take care of him while my ex was gone at school, and being in a committed relationship I was okay with that. I should have known myself better though, I knew that the longer Mosby was in my life, in my posession, in my bed, and in my heart I would want him.
I would wake up with him. I fed him along with Ava. We went for long walks on the property of the house we were renting, where he could run wide open. Wild + free. He would try and tackle Ava on our walks, because he wanted to play. He was always 10 feet ahead of us begging us to walk faster. At home he would snuggle on the couch next me, or in the papasan chair while I worked from the sunroom. The three of us would sit on the front porch for a midday break or to catch the sunset. If a car would come down the driveway Mosby was the first on alert, and also my protector. He wouldn’t let anyone in the house, jumping up on the door to meet my guests eye to eye in the glass. After the car would leave, he would sprint down the driveway to make sure we were safe.
At night, he would get the zoomies and mess up my blankets + sheets so he could get comfortable. He would lay at the base of the bed facing the door to make me feel safe. Come the middle of the night he was hogging the bed, and I would be sandwiched under the covers between Ava + Mos. In the mornings if he was the first to wake he would get up and lay his whole body across mine perpendicular. He would look back and put his nose on mine, and then hook the nook between his on my chin. He still does this today.
He was great with Ava from the start, even if Ava didn’t think so. Sure there were times he needed to learn not to barrel roll her, after all she was 9. He would also lay on the floor or come to the couch and mouth play with her. He would initiate play in the morning, while Ava was clearly not a morning dog. Slowly, Mosby broke Ava down and she loves him now. They are bonded.
So with all of these little things, I couldn’t let him go. I had so many open conversations the week my ex and I parted ways, on if it was the right thing to give him up. And initially I did, because it was our agreement and I’m a person of my word. But, it felt horrible. I was physically sick for days over it. I wasn’t just mourning the loss of my relationship but the loss of my dog.
I knew in my heart though that he was mine, even if it made things harder. Harder in that owning 2 animals over 1 – especially a large dog – would come with added challenges like vet bills, food, daycare options and rental properties.
I’m thankful that my ex had the foresight and the heart to finally let Mosby stay with me. I am his person and he completes my little family. He brings so much joy to the people he meets, like Evelyn. My niece who thinks he is the coolest thing on the planet. She Facetimes and sees my face and asks for “Mo-bee” and then “Aye-wah.” He chases her around the kitchen on her feet and more recently on her little trike. She has started tucking him in, when he falls asleep on the chair facing the window and sneaks him food when she is at the counter.
The breakthrough here is that while it was a tough decision to make, had Mosby not come home with me, he would have never been able to make Evelyn as happy has he does. And honestly me too. I’m glad you’re all mine.
Happy birthday big boy!
As always, thanks for reading. xoxo.
© Krysta Norman Photography 2020
Designed by Brandilynn Michelle
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Serving Middleburg & Richmond, Virginia